A stretch under print base that can also added to PVC free. WB opaque white & clear to improve stretch. Mesh count for H2 Spandasol clear are 110 to 230 mc.in (43 to 90 mc.cm) cure temp 165o to 170o C for 90 to 180 seconds
Acts like a lubricant to keep the inks flowing and provide softer hand. Add upto 5% any PVC free WB opaquen inks (white & colours) for easier printing.
Use 0.5 to 1.0% to increase the viscosity of inks and bases. Higher viscosity inks will print with more opacity. It may require little more cure time.
Use as under base for printing on 100% polyester or its blend to minimise the possibility of dye migration. Print 1st under base of barrier grey and dry it. Then over print one layer of white on barrier grey and dry. Then print desired design (Color & White) on it. Cure at 150o to 160o C for 90 to 120 seconds. For Barrier Grey mesh counts to be used are 80 to 110mc.in (34 to 43 mc.cm)